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I’ve been on a journey with some friends, learning more about the soul and how we can grow closer to God. This last week we talked about the soul needing a center. In his book Soul Keeping, John Ortberg reminds us of something called “sinkhole syndrome”, saying, “It may be triggered by a failure at work, a severed relationship, harsh criticism from a parent, or for no apparent reason at all. But feels like the earth has given way.” Basically, an instance when your soul has been moved from its center. 

Ask Yourself…

There were two questions we asked each other on our Zoom call the other night, and two questions I want to ask you.

  • First, what things move your soul from its center? What triggers your pain?
  • Second, how long does it take for you to realize your soul has shifted? A day? A week? A minute? …

The goal is not only to keep our souls centered (because it will inevitably drift at times), but rather, make the time shorter and shorter between when it does and when you realize it. Through the power of the Holy Spirit we can close the gap and prayerfully shift our souls back where they need to be. 

You Got This

Are you off center? If so, I want to encourage you as you walk out the calling God has on your life! This is a prayer we can pray together with the psalmist,

“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

(Psalm 139:23-24)

Be encouraged as you keep your soul centered!



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Hector Gabriel is a worship leader, recording artist, and professor from Southern California. He teaches at Cal Baptist University where he directs the Worship Arts and Ministry program and leads worship for Fellowship Church, in Monrovia. His music can be found on all streaming platforms. Subscribe below for more content and updates! Thanks for reading.

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